Our Essential Oil Heroes

As we start to lift lockdown procedures the challenges we may face can come in all shapes and sizes with some people experiencing loneliness, juggling parenting life while some maybe facing financial difficulties or redundancy issues and we may become over whelmed by it all. 

By keeping spirits up and our well-being energised we can help ourselves and help others to get through these uncertain times and keep a positive attitude in mind.


Aromatherapy is one of the complementary therapies which use essential oils as the major therapeutic agents to treat stress, cold and flu symptoms, and many more ailments. Essential oils offer many health benefits, the simple action of smelling an essential oil can have several measurable physiological effects on the body such as a change of heart rate, blood pressure and even a change in brain activity. Several studies have shown that the fragrant odours of essential oils have psycho-physiological effects and proved that they can bring fast relief from stress and ease emotional difficulties.  We have listed a few of our Essential Oil Hero’s and how you can stay energised and benefit the most from these amazing oils.

Bergamot Organic Essential Oil

SOiL Bergamot Organic Essential Oil is extracted from the peel of the bergamot orange, it has a light uplifting citrus scent and is great for fighting infection and strengthen immunity due to its antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Bergamot essential oil can be used in a diffuser, burner or blended with a carrier oil and applied topically to the skin. Bergamot essential oil blends well with lavender, grapefruit, and sweet orange oils to bring a zesty burst of happiness to your day.


Eucalyptus Organic Essential Oil

SOiL Eucalyptus Organic Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. It has a strong, fresh, and aromatic fragrance which is ideal to use in steam inhalations to help clear and soothe breathing passageways and protect against coughs and colds. It also has antimicrobial properties which can help prevent further infections. Eucalyptus essential oil blends well with cedarwood, pine and rosemary essential oils.


Tea tree Organic Essential Oil

SOiL Tea Tree organic essential oil is an oil which has well-being benefits to your overall lifestyle as well as to the skin, hair, and nails. Tea tree oil has therapeutic benefits as well as having impressive antiseptic and antiviral properties, making it widely used in treatment for many skin conditions. Used in a diffuser, tea tree is an excellent inhalation for congested nasal passages and respiratory infections. When mixed with a carrier oil such as apricot, tea tree oil can be used to treat infected rashes and is very effective when blended with lavender essential oil for the treatment of pimples and acne.


Create your own air spray 

When an airborne infection is around, it is important to keep ambient air around as clear as possible from infectious organisms. Spraying the air with essential oils to maintain air quality helps to keep the environment around you healthy. Try mixing 10 drops of each SOiL Bergamot, Cinnamon Leaf, Eucalyptus and Lavender organic essential oils in a spray bottle with ¾ full of water and ¼ witch hazel. Spray around your home throughout the day to help fight infection and keep the air clean.

We hope you have enjoyed this post and welcome you to like love and share your must have SOiL essential oil stories, recipes and love of all things essential oil in the home. 

Back soon with more SOiL essentials



Please note that All SOiL essential oils are intended for external use only. Unless otherwise advised by a medical practitioner. Do not use undiluted on skin. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin. If sensitivity occurs discontinue use. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications or under medical supervision seek professional advice before use. Please keep out of reach of children.

SOiL advocates the responsible use of essential oils. We grow and source the finest quality essential oils from around the world to supply you with pure, potent plant extracts for aromatic and therapeutic applications. Essential oils are many times stronger than the plants they are derived from and are far more concentrated than the herbal tincture extracted from the same plant.

Accordingly, we recommend that you avoid oral use/ingesting pure essential oils without seeking professional advice beforehand. The issue is not the quality of the essential oils you take orally – there is no such thing as a ‘therapeutic grade’ of essential oil nor is one brand of essential oils safe to ingest over another brand. The issue is safety and even though essential oils are 100% natural, plant-derived extracts, they are botanical medicines which have the potential to cause harmful side effects when taken orally. Essential oils should only be prescribed for oral use in a clinical setting, by a suitably qualified practitioner. 

There are many methods of obtaining the aromatic and therapeutic benefits of essential oils, namely; inhalation, massage, skincare preparations, bath and compress. If you require individual advice on oral use/ingestion or in relation to a specific medical condition, we recommend you consult a qualified practitioner, as described above.


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